Student Voices:
Tufts Pre-College

Enjoy Stories written by our Students, Parents, Partner Schools, Tufts Faculty and Staff

    From the Dominican Republic to Tufts: My Journey Through the International Relations Pre-College Program

    From the Dominican Republic to Tufts: My Journey Through the International Relations Pre-College Program

    1 min read

    Diving into the Tufts Pre-College International Relations program felt like stepping into a new world, one that was both familiar and foreign. Coming from the Dominican Republic, with its rich history and unique challenges, I’ve always been...

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    My Experience as a Social Media Ambassador for International Relations
    My Experience as a Social Media Ambassador for International Relations
    1 min read
    I was fortunate to be able to participate in Tufts Pre-College summer program, specifically in International Relations (IR). I was also give...
    Defining Interests in International Relations
    Defining Interests in International Relations
    A super quick read.
    My experience as a student during the International Relations summer program has defined my interest in pursuing my career in such topic. Al...
    International Relations in a Time of War
    International Relations in a Time of War
    1 min read
    Studying international relations (IR) can sometimes feel very abstract. IR scholars often look at bureaucratic details like the organization...