I fell in love with dentistry while attending the Tufts Mini Med School program. This Pre-College Program lasted one week and simulated what medical school is truly like. The program had many elements that give off the feeling of being a doctor. We did activities like microbiology plating, clinical case studies, anatomy labs, suturing, simulation labs, and the collective favorite: dentistry labs.
I was most excited for the simulation labs and case studies and wasn’t particularly looking forward to anything related to dentistry. However, I was pleasantly surprised when it came time to visit the school of dentistry. On the second day of the program, we went into Boston to learn at the Tufts School of Medicine and Dentistry. We did an awesome anatomy lab, got a lecture from the medical school admissions director, and then went to the School of Dentistry. The School of Dentistry is in a beautiful building that—fun fact—is in the shape of a toothbrush.
We learned from dental students in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years. There were three stations in rotation: the first was a tooth impression lab, the second was suturing practice, and the third was cavity filling. At the first station, we used a molding substance to mold the shape of teeth. Once dried, we filled the mold with stone to create a replica of the teeth. This was such a unique activity and is just like the process real dentists use to replicate patients’ teeth. We then transitioned to suturing practice, where we learned to suture on bananas, which closely mimic the texture of gingival tissue in the mouth. This was one of two days dedicated to suturing practice, and I found it fascinating that dentists use bananas as a training tool. The next station was filling a cavity. We received a fake tooth with a pre-drilled cavity and used composite to fill the hole and shape the tooth so it would align with the other teeth. The composite was moldable, and we used many tools to mimic the grooves of the tooth. Experiencing these hands-on activities not only deepened my appreciation for the meticulous skills required in dentistry but also provided a glimpse into the daily life of a dental student.
I learned so much from these hands-on experiences. We got to talk to dental students and learn about their careers and how they decided to go to dental school. All the dental students had different life paths, and it was very unique to hear their stories. They explained that they loved medicine but wanted to be more hands-on and use creativity, which is why they chose dentistry. I found this very eye-opening because I had never realized that dentistry was considered creative. Filling cavities and shaping fillings are all very artistic and definitely use your hands. I loved getting to use my hands and explore my creative side while also practicing medicine, which inclined me to consider dentistry as a career path.
This was one of the best eye-opening opportunities I could have to get a sense of what career I want to pursue. Especially the dental program, which gave me insight into a career I had never considered before. It was incredibly interesting, and I might want to pursue dentistry in the future.
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