An Eye-Opening Summer at Tufts

I was honored to participate in the Adventures in Veterinary Medicine at Tufts!

Living on campus, I truly experienced the Tufts student life. At the dorms, I interacted with many students in the common rooms, quad, and random meetings in the elevators! Our floor consisted of students from our program, so seeing familiar, friendly faces in the halls was so much fun. Our schedules were free after 4pm on most days, so we knocked on our friends' dorms and lounged at our floor common rooms, dorm common rooms, quad, and local shops. The independence created long-lasting memories and friendships. Additionally, the social skills and opportunities were endless, as we met many students from other programs and enjoyed the company of many friends. This, as close to college life experience one could get, provided me a safe feeling and environment in preparation for college.

Veterinary Science. Going into Tufts, I was terrified, since I didn’t have much experience or knowledge about veterinary science. I was excited and nervous, however, the first day exceeded my expectations. Attending the sessions with both large animal and small animal experience widened my opportunities and created a calm, safe environment to familiarize myself with different animals. The hands-on experiences, such as putting our hands into a cow’s stomach, tipping a sheep, and picking up chickens made me interested in more than just small animal practice. The leaders were very encouraging and always there to answer questions.

I loved this unforgettable experience!

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