My time at Tufts' Mini-Med Program was so great. I experienced a lot of things during the two weeks: simulation labs, Stan's cases labs, case studies, capstone, great lectures about organs and different careers, and anatomy labs, which were the highlight of my time there.
We first listened to two lectures about the structure and function of brains and hearts, then we went to a lab dissecting and observing sheep brains and a pig's heart. That was a really cool experience! It was my first time seeing real organs and even cut them to pieces. I now feel like I am a professional bioscience researcher! The SIM lab was another great experience from the program. We learned basic skills of patient assessments, inserting different types of airways, doing IVs, wound care, and CPR. We learned how to act and talk like a doctor. During the last lesson, we even simulated a first aid scenario. To be honest, that was a little chaotic and stressful, but I felt so proud and released after the rubber patient's condition stabilized. That was my first taste of being a doctor: full of tension and shouldering great responsibility and sublime.
Not only the program, but the whole campus is fascinating too. I learned about the cool cannon tradition and witnessed the cannon change three times during these two weeks. I love the small hill behind the residential hall where we can get a great view of amazing sunsets. I love the large and quiet library, I love this campus! I am so grateful that I decided to join this project, which clarified my future plans as well as gave me a chance to learn knowledge and experience many interesting things!
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