Tufts Pre-College

New Day, New Experience

Written by Stella M | Jan 25, 2024 5:00:00 AM

I found that the best two weeks of my summer were spent at Tufts, learning all about a career in Veterinary Medicine. During the Adventures in Veterinary Medicine program, we spent two weeks either behind the scenes at the zoo or in a lab learning how to examine a dog. A typical day at Tufts consisted of waking up with your roommate and getting breakfast, before heading on a bus to the veterinary campus. While on campus, we learned about X-rays, had special guest speakers almost every day, and learned how to tie knots properly. Each day was filled with knowledge that would be hard to find at other summer camps. The program mentors each put their all into giving us an authentic look at what it would be like to be a vet and allowed us to imagine ourselves in that scenario. After a full day at the veterinary campus, we could go into Boston. Grabbing ramen before heading out to go shopping with friends downtown was a fun experience. At the end of the night, we would say goodbye to friends and head back into our rooms for the night. At Tufts, I found we had no repeat days, so I never got bored.

One of the most important things about this program was the friends I made, who all shared a common interest in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Tufts made it easy for us to socialize and provided plenty of opportunities for us to have fun together. These friendships made the learning experience so much more enjoyable and rewarding, as I could share it with others. By the end of the program, Tufts had allowed me to make many new friends and fulfill my questions about becoming a veterinarian!