Tufts Pre-College

"Mini-Med Provided Me With the Experience of a Lifetime"

Written by Kendall P | Apr 5, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Mini-Med provided me with the experience of a lifetime. Initially I had come to the program to decide if medicine was the path for me, and throughout the hands on clinical experiences and informative lectures, I decided that medicine is the career I want to pursue. I searched the internet high and low for a medical school summer program, and Tufts was the only program that truly gave the whole medical school exposure. We were able to see both the veterinarian school and medical school. We traveled to the medical school in downtown Boston 5 times, and each time made me fall more in love with the field of medicine. Every clinical lab, lecture, and TA involved in this program were so insightful. I looked most forward to the clinical experiences with Christopher McNeal. He created an amazing SIM lab for us to learn how to suture, give IV, CPR, intubate, heal wounds, tie knots, and so much more. The equipment we used was top notch, and the actual STAN model was so cool to practice on. My TA, Madison Leong, ended up being a huge role model for me. She was so kind and helpful with everything I needed help with, and just overall an amazing person to talk to. She was very open with us about her experiences applying to medical school, and gave us nothing but the harsh reality of how hard it actually is to get in somewhere. Overall, Tufts Mini Medical School Summer Program was the best thing I could have ever attended to expose me to my future in medicine. These two weeks will be something I remember for the rest of my life.