Tufts Pre-College

Learning Inside and Outside of the Classroom

Written by Kate H | Nov 16, 2023 5:00:00 AM

This summer, I got the opportunity to participate in the Marketing Essentials Pre-College Program at Tufts University. I was excited to see what a job in marketing actually entails and was also thrilled to hear that I was selected to be a Social Ambassador for the program.

I spent the first week of my program settling into this new environment. Fast forward to the second week, and it was time to make content. My time as a student in the Marketing Essentials class made this experience extra beneficial, because I could use what I was learning in the first week of class and apply it to the content I made. Although I was not making designs for a brand, I created content that would be interesting to see on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Both the course and being a Social Ambassador helped me break out of my shell and discover how much fun it is to be the one making content.

My time outside of the classroom was also a truly amazing experience. I got to know people from all of the programs being held on campus. After class, I would often meet up with these new friends and make trips into Boston, Davis Square, and Cambridge. This experience took me out of my comfort zone and helped me gain powerful insights into what I want my future job to look like. My program specifically brought in guest speakers that I can use as a resource in the future, and allowed me to connect with people from all over the world that I hope to stay friends with for a really long time.